Ultimate Steak Rub - Three Ingredient PERFECTION!

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I like the grill.

You may have figured that out already, but I really like the grill.

I like vegetables on it, and I like tofu on it. I like shrimp and fish and chicken on it.

And I LOVE steak on the grill.

Perhaps I love it so much because I don’t get it often, so when it comes it longed-for comes.

This rub, 3 ingredients complex, makes a steak into something of grandeur.

We’re about to head into the season of casseroles and stews and soups, but for now I’ll just love on the grill option.

If only tomatoes would stay in season longer.

ULTIMATE steak rub

  • steak (thick, please. At least 1 inch, if not 1.5 inches thick!)

  • cumin

  • salt

  • pepper

  1. Liberally sprinkle cumin, salt, and pepper on both sides of the steak. Let sit for 30 minutes or so, while you preheat the grill and get the rest of dinner ready.

  2. Grill on high heat for 5-6 minutes a side for rare-medium rare

Oh my.