Retrospective on 2019

As it’s the last day of 2019, what better time than now to look back at a year?

Okay, maybe I’ll start with the 2009-2019 combo that so many people were so excited about. I’ll pick a random date in November 2009 and the same random date in November 2019:

Left: November, 2009. Anchored in Florida, with Calypso in the background. Both kids shorter than me. Both kids in elementary school. Right, November, 2019. After lunch with friends at Merroir, on the Rappahannock River. Both kids are not in the photo, as they’re both in college (and both taller than me.)

In 2019 we worked on the house in Vermont. Stashed both kids in college. Started working on the boat in earnest, succeeding in ripping out most of the aft end of the boat for the total refit we’re ambitious enough to think we’ll accomplish in the next 6 months. Along the way we spent stupid amounts of time driving, met friends for dinner and a Broadway play, watched some sunsets, and marveled at the life we get to live.

Was it all perfect? Heck no. That, however, is part of the joy. (Especially when the hard parts are over. I like that.)

Hope your 2019 was filled with joy and memories worth reliving.

Here’s to 2020!