October Photo of the Month

October was chock full of boat.

October Photo of the Month

October Photo of the Month

From the Annapolis Boat Show to unexpectedly strong Hurricane Michael, to started (and even maybe completed) house projects, and to major boat purchases, October felt like massive forward momentum on our cruising goals.

Jeremy is usually the project guy. He is the foreman, general contractor, visionary, and brains behind most of what we accomplish on board. This is not a matter of gender but a matter of interest and skills: he’s an engineer; I’m an English teacher.

This month’s photo of the month, though, is all mine.

This prism has been leaking for a while. It’s right over where our new bunk is going to be. So, while Jeremy was working on wood strips down below, I fixed the prism. No asking for help or guidance.

See the blinding light next to the dome light? That’s the prism.

See the blinding light next to the dome light? That’s the prism.

I just did it.

And when we were down there this weekend, after rains so massive they flooded the access road, that prism had not leaked a single drop.

Photo of the month indeed.