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Burrito template - luscious leftovers! A Tasty Thursday video

It's another leftovers template! If Tasty Thursday is all about easy ways to see that you can indeed cook from scratch at home (and it is), how to creatively repurpose leftovers has to be on the docket.

Two things I ALWAYS have on hand? Tortillas (or at least tortilla makings, if I'm cruising), and cheese. Hmm. Sounds like a burrito to me! Stuff it with bits of leftovers from the fridge, heat it up, and you've got food to drool over.

Without any further ado . . .

BURRITOS! (a luscious leftover template)

REQUIRED: tortillas. And cheese. (or lettuce or cabbage wraps. And cashew cream or silken tofu zipped up in the blender. You get the picture.)

1. Take any cool bits of leftovers in the fridge that have flavors that would go together.
2. Chop them all up. Add some fresh veggies if you have them, for crunch. You could also chop up a can of water chestnuts, also for crunch.
3. Toss them in a large bowl with any sauce you may have on hand.
4. Add in cheese. I prefer a combination of cheddar (flavor) and monterey jack (for melting properties) but hey - this is your dinner. Make it fit your world!
5. Roll a small handful into a tortilla, then put, seam side DOWN, in a shallow baking pan that you've oiled lightly.
6. Keep going until all the filling is used up. This will make as many as you've got filling for.
7. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
8. Eat with salsa. Or let cool and wrap individually and freeze - these make awesome lunches!