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September Photos of the Month

September was a month of firsts.

First drop off at college for Bee (and our first parents’ weekend at Bennington!). First September in Vermont. First time building rafters, winterizing a house, eating tomatoes from our own garden.

First time in our Charlottesville house with no kids living here.

September in Averill was an unexpected gift and we made the most of it. We went for boat rides on my brother, Zach’s, boat and had fires in the fireplace. We cheered on the late-season loon baby as it learned to dive for fish and started venturing farther from the parents. We worked like fiends to try to wrap up house projects that were critical.

We also started talking about Calypso projects and timeline, investigating questions like “how do you prove residency when you’re essentially homeless” and “what kind of solar panels should we get?”

Above all, we enjoyed the light on the water and the slowness of life. Like when we’re cruising, it was a very rare evening that didn’t find us on the deck enjoying the sunset. When we saw the loons, it was a sign to slow down and watch them. Chipmunks chirped at us in between runs up the oak tree and back to wherever their stash nest is along the tall grass by the lake. We picked lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, kale, kohlrabi. Ate up everything in the freezer and tried hard not to go grocery shopping.

September was glorious. Hope it was for you too.